If you or someone on your Family Plan loses Pro access whenever the Pro plan renews. You can try the following:
Step 1:
The Family Plan owner can try to remove the user from the Family Plan and add them again:
To remove a Family Member from a plan you will need to open Peak > go to "Me" > "View and edit profile" > "Family Plan" and then swipe the email address that needs removing to the left and a delete button will appear.
Step 2:
You can also try to restore the purchase within the app:
To do so, open Peak, go to the Profile menu, go to "View and edit settings" at the top of the page if you're on iOS, and tap on "Restore Purchase."
Step 3:
If none of this helps please check if you accidentally cancelled your Family Plan or the Family Add-On / the Single Pro Plan:
We have two different Family subscription types.
Standard Family Plan:
This Plan includes a Single Pro subscription plus the Family Plan in one subscription. This means that you will be billed for both in one bill, monthly or yearly. You will get this option if you do not currently have a Pro subscription already. It costs as much as two (none discounted) Single Pro subscriptions.
Single Pro Subscription + Family Plan Add-On:
An add-on is an extension that is added to an already existing subscription to give it additional features and abilities.
You will already have a Single Pro subscription and have added the Family Add-On after. This means that you will get billed individually for the Single Pro Plan and then separately for the Family Plan Add-On. You will get the Add-On option only if you already have Pro access. It costs as much as two Individual Pro subscriptions (unless you received a discount for the Single Pro subscription then the Add-On costs the equivalent of one undiscounted Single Pro Plan plus then the Single Pro plan you already have).
Unfortunately, without a Single Peak Pro subscription, the Family Add-On cannot work. The Family Add-On works only in conjunction with a Single Peak Pro subscription as this is what gives the Pro access to the Family Plan Add-On. If you unsubscribe from the Single Peak Pro, the Family Add-On cannot give access to Peak Pro anymore as this was cancelled. For this reason, you would need to keep both subscriptions active for it to work.
Step 4:
If you have two active subscriptions but there are still issues, please send us an email alongside a screenshot of your proof of purchase/purchases so we can look into this for you.